Powerful automation for your work processes with DocRecord
The more your work is work, the less you get done
The more your work is work, the less you get done

Enterprise Content Management with Work Process Automation
DocRecord is an affordable, comprehensive, and all-inclusive ECM platform that enables the automation of complex work processes.
DocRecord — Platform for the whole organization
Every department benefits from automated work processes and workflows, digital archiving, and instant electronic document retrieval.
DocRecord is an affordable, all-inclusive platform that is priced simply by the concurrent user and not by the module.
Work process automation improves efficiencies & reduces costs
Automated work processes and workflows are essential for an organization to improve efficiencies and reduce costs. It allows you to get more done in less time.
Instant access to workflows, documents & content archive from anywhere
DocRecord provides instant, remote, and secure access to all your work processes, workflows, eForms, documents, and content — allowing your team to work from anywhere.
Common problems we solve
DocRecord's work process automation enables cost-effective solutions to common problems
Automate unique accounting processes
Accounting processes vary widely by organizations. DocRecord can create work processes that automate much of your current manual processing.
While yours will likely vary, most automated accounting processes include:
Automatic data capture from emailed and other PDFs, such as invoices
Scheduling of payment and check runs
Auto-validating and correcting this extracted data with a database
Comparing the invoice against open purchase orders
Routing for payment approvals based on vendor and total amounts
Emailing the vendor as to the status of the invoice
Automating check printing and accompanying remittance letter
Archiving all documents in a single, secure repository for instant retrieval
Multi-person review and Workflow
Review-and-approve intelligent workflows
Review-and-approve workflows vary substantially in complexity and purpose. DocRecord can create these intelligent workflows based on a wide range of requirements.
Many of these intelligent workflows include:
Conditional processing based on a wide range of variables
Database lookups for data verification
Out-of-office tests and conditional routing
Customized workflow action-logging supports review and audit activities
Scheduled data exports (csv, txt, json, xml) of approved/rejected items
Intelligent and conditional team-voting system for item approval/rejection
Active Directory group dynamic/conditional task assignment
Automation speeds processing speeds and greatly reduces costs
DocRecord is designed to automate work processes to eliminate most of the manual processing, manual data entry, and paper-based activities. This automation greatly speeds the processing times allowing your team to get more done, in less time, with less work.
Best of all, workflows can be accessed and processed remotely, allowing your team to work from anywhere at any time.
eForms and Workflow
eForms vary substantially in complexity, requirements, and purpose. DocRecord can create a wide range of intelligent eForms for all needs. eForms — single page or complex multi-page — can be stand-alone, part of a comprehensive workflow, embedded within a website, or displayed on mobile devices.
Many of these intelligent eForms include:
Conditional fields displayed and based upon data entry
Database lookups for conditional data display
Image and document uploading
Desktop and mobile enabled
Searchable eForms library
Part of comprehensive work processing workflow
Can include multi-signature workflow